Create a Workflow to welcome and follow-up with new users
Table of Contents
Learn how to create a Workflow that sends email and push notifications based on an important multi-step process you want users to complete in-app.
Build Guide
In this article, you’ll learn how to:
- Create a segment to use in a Workflow
- Create a Workflow from scratch
- Configure Workflow start criteria
- Create an Email node
- Add a time delay to a Workflow
- Create a Push Notification
- Configure Workflow finish criteria
For this guide, we will create this Workflow for users who have started a profile but have not completed it yet. For your Workflow, you can pick an action relevant to your use case. Here are just a few ideas:
- User has placed an item in a cart but has not checked out yet
- User has started the onboarding process but has not completed it
- User viewed subscription page but did not update
There are many uses for this type of Workflow, but we recommend creating events for the start of the process and the completion of this process.
This guide assumes that these events are already defined, but if you need help setting up the events, you can use our Events Overview as a resource.
Step 1. Create a Segment
Before creating a workflow, you will need to define the audience you want to be eligible for the workflow. You can do this by either choosing to use an existing segment or creating a new one.
For this guide, we’ve chosen to create a new segment specifically for users who

Step 2. Create a New Workflow
Create a new Workflow and give it a name.

Your new workflow will start with two nodes: a Start node and a Finish node. In the next step, we will configure the Start node.

Step 3. Set Start Criteria
The Start criteria lets you choose who can enter a workflow and what trigger will cause them to start it. Clicking the Start node will open a setting panel with sections for the Audience and Trigger.

Under the Audience section, choose the segment you chose or created in Step 1.
For the example use case, we only want to target users who have been active recently, so we have toggled on “only segment members where…” and chosen the Last seen at property to only allow users who have been active in the past 14 days to enter the Workflow.

We want the Workflow to trigger as soon as a user becomes eligible for the segment, so we will choose to trigger the Workflow “Immediately”.

Step 4. Create First Out-of-Product Message
Just below the Start node, click the plus sign (+) and choose the Email message option to create a new email.

Give your email a name, and click the “Create” button.

Use the email builder to create the first out-of-product message your users will receive when they start the Workflow. Feel free to get creative with it and explore options like including images, HTML snippets, and buttons!

Step 5. Add a Time Delay
Just below your email node, click the plus sign to add another node. This time, we will choose “Time delay” under the Logic category.

In the time delay settings, choose to trigger the next step “after a period of time”, and choose how long you'd like the delay between the first notification and the second. In this case, we've decided to delay the second message for 3 days to give users time to see the email and revisit their profile.

Step 6. Create Second Out-of- Product Message
After the time delay, choose another type of message to send to users who have made it to this point in the Workflow. We're using a Mobile Push Notification to direct users back to their profile.

Give your Push Notification a name and click “Create”.

Style your Push Notification as you'd like, but don't forget to look under the “Interactions” tab! We've used the options here to deep-link to the user's profile, but you can also choose to trigger a flow when the notification is clicked.

Once you're happy with your Push, it's time to set the Finish criteria.

Take your workflow to the next level by include a True/False logic branch that only sends your push notification message if the user has not triggered their profile completed event!
Step 7. Set Finish Criteria
Click the Finish node at the end of your workflow. This is where you will decide when the user exits the Workflow and how to handle users who have already finished it.

First, you will choose when users should exit the workflow. We've chosen to have users exit the workflow once they get to the end of it, but we can also use advanced settings to further control how users enter and exit this workflow.

The User time-out threshold allows you to decide when users should be removed from the Workflow if they have not progressed or meet the Finish criteria.
We have toggled on User must match a Start segment so that users who no longer match the segment created in Step 1 will be removed from the Workflow. If a user no longer matches the segment in our example after entering the Workflow, this means that the user has completed their profile and no longer needs to receive the notifications.
Allow user to re-enroll has been turned on in this case to allow users to re-start the Workflow after 30 days if they have not exited the segment.

Step 8. Publish Workflow
Now that we’ve created all of the steps for our workflow, we can publish it to allow users to start entering the Workflow.

Click the Publish button in the top right corner, and you’re done!